Wow, I'm such a big watermelon! I can't believe that I used to be a wee little seed. Now look at me, brimming with confidence, green on the outside, red on the inside, full of flavour and pride!
Oh look! Its time to go! Farmer Brown is about to load me onto the truck! Yippie, I cannot wait to be placed for sale in a market or grocery store. It is my destiny to be eaten, just as it was the destiny of my watermelon forefathers. We Watermelons are a proud bunch, and the fulfilment of our life journey culminates, when we spread our loving goodness to a special group of people!
Wow, the truck ride sure was quick! Oooh look, my new home, Sobeys! What a place, seems nice, seems clean, lots of fun looking people here. I'm sure its just a matter of time before someone picks me up, and takes me to a picnic. Oop, there goes Geoffrey the watermelon! Take care Geoffrey, enjoy spreading your love to the people. Ah, he looked so happy.... I am so happy for him.
[Hours pass]
Hmm, its 3am, I have yet to be purchased. Oh well, I fear not, tomorrow is another day. Love, love, love. Oh, look, a tall bald man and his chum have entered the store. They seems to be quite happy, even though they are wobbling about a lot....
Oh, oh, oh, they are coming my way - here it is melly, its your moment, look fresh, think fresh!
Yes, yes, yes, they've got me. Destiny shall soon be mine. Fear not baldy, I will unleash a tasty explosion into your mouth. I will fill you with joy!
.....Hmm, whats this? Why is the bald man running out of Sobeys? No need to run at this hour, sir. Whats the hurry? Why all the insane laughter? Oh well....
....umm, bald sir, why have you stopped on this bridge? This certainly does not look like the place, nor the time for a picnic....
....F-fellows, w-what are you doing? I don't think you understand what I am to be used for....No, no, put me down, don't, don't, I will be killed!!!! No, no...
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