People get old and die - fact. Its happening right now...And also now...Just a second ago a whole bunch of people played their last game of bridge, crocheted their last quilt. Happened. Happens.
Life is a heck of a thing you see, especially Youth. Oh how it is fleeting. Oh how I reflect on this, when my back hurts after a bout of drinking...
You see, Youth in many ways is like a day at the beach. You do not really have many worries, or responsibilities. You exist in a carefree environment, devoid of any of life's bastardizings. In this carefree state, you decide to purchase a basket of french fries.
Oh how they are tasty! Cut properly, with the skin still on them, tinges of salt and vinegar reflect on their fry bodies so perfectly, so effortlessly.
You enjoy the fries with glee, all the while saving the biggest most delicious fry for last. As it comes time to eat this last fry, the one that looks so perfect, so tasty, you decide;
"Heck, well I'm not even going to eat this one. It looks too perfect, and I've had so much fun eating these other fries, that I simply do not want this experience to end. Yes, I will save this one!"
It is at that exact moment that I menacing seagull swoops down and snatches the fry from its basket haven. Done with such effectiveness, and efficiency, it becomes clear that you are not the seagulls first victim.
Initially filled with rage, and fear you get up from your spot on Youth's beach, and give chase. Alas, the Seagull has wings, and can fly. You cannot compete with that. Your are left to watch as the Seagull coasts off into the sunset, fry in beak.
At that time, the beach begins to get cold. Annoying lifeguards starting bringing you things that you do not want, and telling you that you need to be "somewhere" at a certain "time". Clearly this beach is not as fun as it once was, however you see no way of leaving it - your options are limited. You begrudgingly accept your new beach. You convince yourself that it is "doable", and you set in for endless games of checkers, in which there are no winners.
Many years later, you look up in the sky, and see that same seagull flying back towards you! Perhaps he is returning with your Youth Fry!
Turning to express your joy with others on the beach you cry "All is not lost! My Youth Fry is returning, I knew this day would come."
The others at the beach shake their heads solemnly. You wonder why they are not happy for you...Again, at that exact moment the Seagull shits the digested remains of the "Youth Fry" onto your head.